Grudge Operation Highjump Brian Parker Aurora Dewater 9781545380239 Books

In 1946 the United States Navy conducted Operation Highjump, an expedition to evaluate the effect of extreme Antarctic cold on US equipment. However, their true purpose remains shrouded in mystery. Were the reports of Nazi activity on the Southern Continent accurate?
After engaging unknown forces in aerial combat, weather forced the Navy to abandon operations. Undeterred, the US returned every Antarctic summer until escalating tensions in Southeast Asia forced the government to secretly detonate three nuclear warheads over the continent in 1958. With the threat eliminated, the files were sealed and forgotten by all but the men who fought there.
Now the enemy has returned with a genetically superior army, indoctrinated from birth to hate Americans for their savagery, and they're intent on exacting revenge for the loss of their homeland and banishment to the icy wastes.
Grudge Operation Highjump Brian Parker Aurora Dewater 9781545380239 Books
I'm a huge fan of Brian Parker's Easytown series which made me anxious to try out his next novel. I had no knowledge of what Grudge: Operation Highjump was going to be about but soon discovered it was a classic conspiracy theory brought to life. After the end of WW2, Nazis moved to Antarctica to create a massive underground civilization with the help of aliens. These Nazis proceeded to keep updating their technology with the aid of collaborators as well as their alien allies until they were ready to begin a vengeance war against the United States.In terms of historical fiction, this is ridiculous even with the presence of aliens. However, this is a story where you're meant to stretch your suspension of disbelief and if you can't then, well, you can't. This isn't going to be a book for everyone as the Nazis slaughter millions before their entire self-destructive Blitzkrieg falls apart. This isn't even a spoiler as the brief bits with their alien masters show this is just a proxy war to soften up the planet. That's why the Nazis are attacking America rather than the Russians.
This is a pretty grim book starting with the slaughter of everyone in Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break and continuing onward into a very brief global war. Brian Parker doesn't make it a shining case of Good vs. Evil either, which I appreciated. Yes, the Nazis are horrible but the current crop of troops have been spoon fed a diet of propaganda and the few who are exposed to the truth of what they're planning to do as well as what was done by their ancestors are horrified.
The American government is also more than willing to sacrifice any number of the Nazis civilians because, well, Nazis. They're also not above taking advantage of the confusion of some of the aforementioned horrified soldiers to brainwash them into being soldiers against their own people. Good, evil, or just war? You judge. I admit, in my case? Well, they're Nazis so [expletive] em.
There's some surprisingly touching moments in-between the scenes of the Nazis slaughtering innocent civilians, only to get attacked in return with the full attention of their enemies. You wouldn't think a book with as Roger Corman-esque a premise as this (straight out of Iron Sky only played mostly straight) would have moments of actual depth but there's more than a few. People who lost loved ones during the war and those who are traumatized by the events involved.
So, do I recommend the Grudge? Yes, with the caveat this is a gory B-horror movie sort of book which still takes its subject matter seriously. The Nazis aren't played as cartoons anymore than Wolfenstein: The New Order. Instead, the book treats them as horrifying perpetrators of evil which just so happen to have more backup than Hydra by the Skrulls. The book has an open ending which could lead to a sequel but I actually think it works fine as a stand-alone too.
Product details

Tags : Grudge: Operation Highjump [Brian Parker, Aurora Dewater] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. In 1946 the United States Navy conducted Operation Highjump, an expedition to evaluate the effect of extreme Antarctic cold on US equipment. However,Brian Parker, Aurora Dewater,Grudge: Operation Highjump,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1545380236,Alternative History,FICTION Alternative History,Fiction,Science Fiction
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Grudge Operation Highjump Brian Parker Aurora Dewater 9781545380239 Books Reviews
very well written and well researched. An interesting twist to history with the Nazi's still being alive and hateful... turns out though they are not the enemy to be feared.
I just love it when we find Nazi's in scifi such as the two times they showed up in the Trek programs. They are a great enemy that deserve every beat down be it in real life or in books. This book was well thought out and put together. It flowed well and tied historical events into the base of the storyline.
A very exciting read. I love how all the research that went into this book made it a believable story. Riveting from page one! The author's military experience added a huge benefit, making it authentic and educational at the same time. So much to ponder and think about. I will never think of Antarctica the same!
Mr. Parker weaves a very interesting twist on history. Being married to a WWII history fanatic, I was intrigued from page one all the way to the end. The knowledge and research shined through. A good solid entertaining read.
What a story! Loved the book. The weaving together of Operation High Jump, and Nazi speculation made this story extremely entertaining. Hope there is a sequel in the works!
Pretty solid story and an excellent take on alternate history (or is it?). Loved the premise and the military action was done very well. If I have any complaints, they are minor. The beginning part of the book jumps around a lot in history and it's a little hard to follow. The second act, though, is solid straight through. Could have done with a little more development of the protagonist characters. I liked them; I just wanted to love them. Parker is very good, though, at getting you to hate the antagonists. All in all, solid read and I very much enjoyed it. I will definitely be following the series.
Appears to be well written for the kind of novel it’s generically intended to be. I don’t read sci-fi. Had purchased the book because of my interest in Operation Highjump, a search for which brought up this title immediately. I’m rather ticked off, I admit. Though the fault is my own for not examining all the details thoroughly, the revelation that this book is fictional was nowhere in clear sight. Even at that, however, the fault is ’s and not Mr. Parker’s. And irritated as I am—and impatient with fantasies as I have become—I will add finally that in the few chapters I perused, I was pleasantly surprised to find the most obvious narrative cliches avoided. Hitler doesn’t breathe fire, and the young man on Spring Break doesn’t immediately take a tumble with a girl he “picks up” (who actually picks him up). If I have any less hectic years before me, I might just continue reading.
I'm a huge fan of Brian Parker's Easytown series which made me anxious to try out his next novel. I had no knowledge of what Grudge Operation Highjump was going to be about but soon discovered it was a classic conspiracy theory brought to life. After the end of WW2, Nazis moved to Antarctica to create a massive underground civilization with the help of aliens. These Nazis proceeded to keep updating their technology with the aid of collaborators as well as their alien allies until they were ready to begin a vengeance war against the United States.
In terms of historical fiction, this is ridiculous even with the presence of aliens. However, this is a story where you're meant to stretch your suspension of disbelief and if you can't then, well, you can't. This isn't going to be a book for everyone as the Nazis slaughter millions before their entire self-destructive Blitzkrieg falls apart. This isn't even a spoiler as the brief bits with their alien masters show this is just a proxy war to soften up the planet. That's why the Nazis are attacking America rather than the Russians.
This is a pretty grim book starting with the slaughter of everyone in Fort Lauderdale during Spring Break and continuing onward into a very brief global war. Brian Parker doesn't make it a shining case of Good vs. Evil either, which I appreciated. Yes, the Nazis are horrible but the current crop of troops have been spoon fed a diet of propaganda and the few who are exposed to the truth of what they're planning to do as well as what was done by their ancestors are horrified.
The American government is also more than willing to sacrifice any number of the Nazis civilians because, well, Nazis. They're also not above taking advantage of the confusion of some of the aforementioned horrified soldiers to brainwash them into being soldiers against their own people. Good, evil, or just war? You judge. I admit, in my case? Well, they're Nazis so [expletive] em.
There's some surprisingly touching moments in-between the scenes of the Nazis slaughtering innocent civilians, only to get attacked in return with the full attention of their enemies. You wouldn't think a book with as Roger Corman-esque a premise as this (straight out of Iron Sky only played mostly straight) would have moments of actual depth but there's more than a few. People who lost loved ones during the war and those who are traumatized by the events involved.
So, do I recommend the Grudge? Yes, with the caveat this is a gory B-horror movie sort of book which still takes its subject matter seriously. The Nazis aren't played as cartoons anymore than Wolfenstein The New Order. Instead, the book treats them as horrifying perpetrators of evil which just so happen to have more backup than Hydra by the Skrulls. The book has an open ending which could lead to a sequel but I actually think it works fine as a stand-alone too.

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